Reaching Out

For many gay Americans, like myself, the face of Donald Trump is reminiscent of the schoolyard bully who physically threatened us. His constant bellowing of “WRONG” has the capability of re-traumatizing our inner shame we experienced as we came out; and for many, that shame still persists in our psyche today.

Over the next several years, I want to help my gay brothers and sisters find the inner strength that is our God-given birthright. I believe that gay people have a unique calling at this time in history. After millennia of repression by society, after the scourge of HIV/AIDS that decimated many of our most creative, after enduring the spotlight from narrow-minded evangelists, after being scape-goated for social unrest, …, after all these and many more, we have been refined in the fire. Refined for this moment in history when we are called to action, to stand up for human dignity and rights, and to lead the forthcoming revolution that will create a better world – a world of equality, respect for individual differences, kindness, and the possibility of inner peace.

It IS possible to resist evil, and simultaneously know peace.

It IS possible to speak out with conviction and passion, and simultaneously grow in an awakened awareness of the Spirit.

Awakening and resistance are not opposites. In fact, Resistance is most effective when we act from an inner place of calm and serenity.

Preciesely because gay people have needed to learn how to find our Center in the face of hatred, because we have grappled with homophobia both internally and externally, we are perhaps best positioned to lead the way forward as the world enters the Trump presidency.

Through this media, I wish to address how to do this, how to recognize hatred that we might have become inured to, and how to prevent it from generating internal stress, self-loathing, or despair. Then I wish to address what to do with this energy to transform it into something powerfully creative and life-giving. This process allows us to experience deep peace, freedom from stress – and stress’ life-denying properties. At this point, we become invincible lovers! We become tremendous advocates for justice, goodness, and calm. We become warriors for truth.